
OÜ S18 Group Privacy Policy

Welcome to OÜ S18 Group Privacy Policy! We understand how important your privacy is, and we want to make sure you're comfortable with how we handle your personal information. This user-friendly guide explains everything you need to know about our data practices.

What's Covered Here

This Privacy Policy is your go-to source for understanding how we handle your personal data. It's the most up-to-date document, replacing any older versions or agreements. It applies to everyone who uses our services, and it's our way of showing our dedication to your privacy.

How We Collect and Use Your Data

  1. Fair and Open Collection: We promise to collect and use your personal info fairly and openly, always respecting your privacy.
  2. Only What We Need: We only collect and use your data for specific, legitimate reasons – nothing more.
  3. Stay Anonymous: We're not interested in identifying you through your data.
  4. Your Choice Matters: You're not forced to give us personal info, but keep in mind, it could affect your experience with our services.
  5. Why We Use Your Info: We use the data we collect to make our services better, improve your experience, gather insights, and ensure our apps are safe and reliable.

What We Collect

  • Account Info: Personal details needed for creating and managing your account, including data from third-party logins, are treated as personally identifiable information.
  • How You Use Our Services: We gather data about how you interact with our services, but it's all anonymized and used for analysis.
  • Devices and Locations: We collect info about the devices you use and approximate location data (usually from your IP address) in an anonymous way.

How We Handle Your Data Internationally


We take your data seriously and have strict security protocols for international transfers or sharing with third parties. If we make significant changes in how we use your data or who we share it with, we'll ask for your explicit consent.

Third-Party Links

Sometimes, our services include links to other websites with their own privacy policies. Remember, we're not responsible for their privacy practices, so check out their policies if you're unsure

Your Rights and Contacting Us

You have the right to request changes or the deletion of your personal data. Just reach out to us at, and we'll help you out

IP Addresses and How We Manage Systems

We collect IP addresses for system management purposes, not to identify you. An IP address is just a number assigned to your device by your internet provider. It can change, but sometimes it stays the same for specific reasons (For Example, if you order static IP from your provider).

Our Pledge to Protect Your Privacy

We're committed to handling your data according to these principles and keeping your personal info confidential. We might update this Privacy Policy from time to time, so stay in the loop.

Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions about this policy or our data practices, feel free to contact us at We aim to respond within 48 hours. If you're an EU resident, you can also reach out to supervisory authorities for help with enforcing your rights. Your privacy matters to us!